Get to know and meet your candidates on Tlece!

Tlece is a video-based social media for future career. This is where you as organization can get to know your candidates so you can match with each other. Register first to Tlece as regular user, and then you can register your organization as described below.

1 Register an organization

Any Tlece user can register his/her organization to Tlece, in order to use recruitment features of Tlece. Registration is easy and only brand name and organization ID needs to be filled out initially. However, before being able to post a job vacancy and process application, the organization needs to provide more data, as explained below. As a Tlece user, register the organization by the steps described below.
On the web app:
  • Go to
  • Click on your name on the upper left corner, click on “My Account”, then click on “Register Organization”. Fill out at least “Brand name” and “Organization account ID”, and check on “I legally represent this organization to register to Tlece and I agree to the terms and conditions”. “Organization account ID” is lowercase only and must not contain spaces. Later, the following items will be mandatory for verification by Tlece: Legal name, Phone number, Address, Email, Administrator's ID photo/scan, Organization establishment document
    Item Description
    Brand name (required) Brand name of the organization, which is not necessarily the same as legal name
    Organization account ID (required) Any lowercase alphabet 4 characters long or more
    Legal name Legal name of the organization, which must be the same as written in supporting organization establishment document
    Website The URL of the organization’s website
    Phone number The main phone number of the organization
    Address The main address of the organization
    Email Representative email address of the organization
    Note Any note for the organization
    Logo The logo of the organization
    Administrator's ID photo/scan Photo or scan result of Administrator's ID
    Organization establishment document Photo or scan result of organization establishment document
    I legally represent this organization to register to Tlece (required) Tick on the checkbox to confirm that the user legally represent the organization
  • Click on “Submit”.
  • Then click on your name in the upper left corner, click on “My Settings”, and make sure on “Current Active Organization” the name of the organization you just registered is selected, then click on “Go” to go to its menu items. You are now in your newly registered organization.

2 Create organization profile

As a staff, create an organization profile by the steps described below.
On the web app:
  • Go to your organization from My Settings, and then click on “Organization Profile”. You will see these tabs: Profile, Detail, Badges, CV.
  • On the Profile tab, click on “Add profile” to add your organization’s profile video
  • On the Detail tab, you can see and edit textual information of your organization that you entered during registration
  • On the Badges tab, you can select badges that you find suitable to express your organization
  • On the CV tab, click on “Add CV” to add your organization’s CV video

3 Invite others to be staffs

As a staff, invite others to be staff by the steps described below.
On the web app:
  • From “ORGANIZATION” menu section on the left, click on “Administrator”, and under the “Organization” section click on “Staffs”
  • Click on “Add staffs”, on “Users” enter the phone number or email address of a Tlece user, then click to select. Do this for as many users as you like.
  • On “Role”, select the role you want to give to the users
  • Tick on “Send invites” if you want invite email to be sent to the users
  • Click “Add”, then the users will be added as staff to your organization

4 Create job vacancy

As a staff, create job vacancy by the steps described below.
On the web app:
  • From “ORGANIZATION” menu section on the left, click on “Recruitment”, and then click on “Recruitment Planning”
  • Click on “Add vacancy”, then fill out at least “Job Title”, “Start Date” and “End Date”, then click “Submit”. This is not finished yet, because a video needs to be updated.
  • Click “Edit” on the created job vacancy, then on the “Vacancy Profile” tab, click “Add video”, click “Browse” and select the video file, then click “Submit”. The video will be uploaded and processed. Processing may take some time.
  • In the “Detail” tab, fill out as necessary
  • In “Stages”, a default stage that is without an interview is created. Edit or add stages. Click on “Has live interview” to allow inviting an applicant to a live interview on that stage. Click on “Has recorded interview” to allow inviting an applicant to an interview using a recorded question video on that stage.

5 Process an application

As a staff, process an application by the steps described below.
On the web app:
  • From ORGANIZATION menu section, click on “Recruitment” and then on “Selection Process”
  • Applications first arrive at the “Pool” tab, as this is where new applications are pooled. When you are interested in an application, click on “Process” to further process the application. It will move the application to the next tab, which is the first stage that you defined.
  • You process each application by clicking “Move next” on each stage when the applicant passed a stage, or clicking “Reject” on a tab to drop the application.

6 Invite an applicant to a live interview

As a staff, invite an application to a live interview by the steps described below.
On the web app:
  • From COMPANY menu section, click on “Recruitment” and then on “Selection Process”
  • On an application with “Set interview”, click on it and fill out the information:
    Item Description
    Interviewer (required) Select one or more interviewers
    Date/time (required) Select one or more date/time for the interview you would like to propose to the applicant
    Note Add any other textual information necessary, such as job description etc.

7 Invite an applicant to a recorded interview

As a staff, invite an application to a recorded interview by the steps described below.
On the web app:
  • From COMPANY menu section, click on “Recruitment” and then on “Selection Process”
  • On an application with “Set interview”, click on it and fill out the information:
    Item Description
    Interviewer (required) Select one or more interviewers
    Date/time (required) Select one or more date/time for the interview you would like to propose to the applicant
    Note Add any other textual information necessary, such as job description etc.

8 Enter an interview room (Interviewer)

As an interviewer, enter an interview room by the steps described below.
On the smartphone app:
  • Tap on the upper left menu, and on the “Organization” section, tap on the “Settings” menu item, and then on “Current active company”, then tap on the organization by which the interview is going to be held.
  • Tap on the upper left menu again, and on the “Organization” section, tap on the “Interview” menu item. When there is an item whose status is “Scheduled” in the list, you can tap on it to enter the interview room.

9 Browse through recorded interview videos and process

As a staff, browse through recorded interview videos and view them. Decide who will go to the next step.